Delta D.Loire

Loire is a free spirited individual with an endless amount of creativity. She thrives in social settings with many people around, be they allies or even enemies as she enjoys talking, making witty taunts and banter, anything to expel the ideas constantly coming into being in her mind. In most situations, she would attempt to bring people together if there is conflict. Loire also tends to be the type to start something but not finish it due to her nature, which is why she enjoys adventure, because it’s potentially endless!


Loire was born to a pirate pair, a woman named Delta H. Laguna (known by her Bloody Lagoon) and Miles Kokinos in the East Blue. Knowing that she was the more wanted of the pair and that her husband had contracted an unknown illness, Laguna continued her pirate campaign while periodically stopping by to visit her daughter, believing that her absence would keep her family safe. Unfortunately, she had been apprehended while in the New World and executed there. This news prompted Loire's father to completely retire from piracy and instead become a shipwright.

Loire’s formative years were spent in this environment, helping her father build ships in whatever ways that she could. She was terrible at the job and was only allowed to bring materials to her father since she had a habit of leaving things half done, a dangerous trait for any shipwright to have. As she grew older and older, almost as if hereditary, her longing for the sea became stronger with each passing year. She’d been regaled with tales of her parent's piracy from her father and she knew that he was at least somewhat noteworthy as every once in a while, bounty hunters would come to try and claim his bounty.

Her father would fight them off with ease and she was also able to help, honing her combat skills in the process and refining her fighting style as shipwrights had many random pieces and parts at their disposal. Once she reached Eighteen years of age, her father had begun to fall prey to the dormant terminal illness. Kokinos, understanding his daughter exceptionally well knew that it would be a waste of time to try and dissuade her from the life of piracy so he simply gave her a small ship and some supplies to last her. He could only pray that she'd avoid the fate that both he and his wife had met on her own voyage.

Misc Info

「Affiliations」 : Azure Blue Pirates
「Affiliation Rank」: Captain
「Place of Birth」: East Blue
「Ephiet | Alias」 : Azure Blue
「Gender」: Female
「Race」: Human
「Age」 : Eighteen years old
「Weight」 : 135lbs
「Height」: 5’7
「Date of Birth」 : 8/18

Starting Perks, Attributes and Techniques



Moderate: Will of D, Haoshoku Haki


Strength: 125 | 500
Endurance: 50 | 500
Speed: 50 | 375
Reflexes: 25 | 250
Spirit: 75 | 500 Specialty +75 Will of D

Martial Arts 75 | 100